Tuesday, April 17, 2012

First Morel 2012

Yesterday I found my first morel of 2012.  It was a tiny grey morel that measured less than 2cm tall.  Here is a sketch of one of the last morels I saw in 2011 a great big yellow that measured nearly 20cm tall on May 5th.

Morels can be terribly hard to find.  I didn't find this nice yellow until after I got home and took a closer look at my snapshot of this handsome Jack-in-the-pulpit.  Can you find it?


Lisa at Greenbow said...

I couldn't find it. booo. Heck, I can't ever find them in the woods. I find more people looking for them than the mushrooms themselves. Your sketch is great.

Feathers said...

I see it! On the left side of the smaller Jack. I'm waiting for ours to pop up and hoping the warmer spurts this spring hasn't spoiled them. They come up all over our yard, not always in the same places. Fun to find (and eat).

Feathers said...

Surprise!--Black morels popping up in central Michigan now. What a treat--hadn't expected them yet, but there they were--a nice mess-several dozen of them. Small, but oh so tasty!