Friday, March 30, 2012

Winter Wren

The sugar maples (Acer saccharum) are leafing out and the winter wrens are singing!  Colored pencil.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

What a swwweeeeet little wren. I always look forward to seeing one during winter which is the only time they are around here. We had our first House wren singing in the garden today. A month earlier than normal. FUN..Your sketch is beautiful. You captured the wrens perky nature with that tail straight up.

Unknown said...

So delicately drawn. Lovely!

Rebecca said...

Your work inspires me. Thank you so much for sharing your love of nature with the world. If you ever teach a class, I am signing up!!!

Laura Watson said...

What a lovely bird... very spring inspired. Really enjoy your blog

Carol Creech said...

Love this! Our red maples are in this stage right now (just noticed this morning...) I love the droopy, new leaves :)